Orvis Recon 9′ 6-weight


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SKU: orv-recon-906 Brand:

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Product Description

Orvis Recon 9′ 6-weight, 4-piece fly rod

comes with nylon covered rod case


  • 9′ 6-weight 4-Piece
  • Blanks are matte olive with charcoal and spring green accent
  • Quick rod identifier on the blank
  • Silver snake and stripping guide
  • Pewter type III anodized aluminum reel seat with wood insert
  • Nylon covered rod tube
  • 25-Year Guarantee
  • Made in USA


  1. This is a rod that casts and fishes above its price tag. It’s got plenty of backbone to fish streamers but also has good feel for more technical techniques. I was very impressed with the loop shape. It throws beautiful loops at all distances and is very easy to maneuver. I wouldn’t be afraid to fish dry flies, heavy nymphs, or articulated streamers with this 6wt. For an all-around floating line, the Rio Elite Gold WF6F or SA Amplitude Infinity WF6F are both great options. If you want to use this as a dedicated streamer rod, I would recommend the Rio Elite Predator family of fly lines.

    Parker Thompson (Telluride Angler)
  2. The Recon 9 foot 6 weight has the power and confidence you expect in this line weight and length. Of the Orvis 6 weights I cast, this is the one I would pick for streamer fishing. It delivers smooth power and line speed that builds incrementally and lets the caster know what the rod is up to, very level loops you could tune up or tone down. The Recon 906 is a rod that accepts a wide range of power application, not as light and playful as the Helios but with a little more substance that will appeal to a lot of anglers.

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
  3. I was very impressed with this powerful, easy casting fly rod, Orvis’s best 6-weight for streamer fishing. It’s not as light as the Helios F or D but possesses greater butt section power for muscling heavy streamer lines and double hauling your nymph rigs. Excellent with a Rio Gold, it casts for distance with great accuracy and line speed, a surprisingly well-tuned and refined fly rod for this price. Fish it with a Rio Gold, SA MPX, Rio Gold XP, Rio Gold Max, SA Infinity taper or any popular streamer line, such as the Rio Predator.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
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