Sage 590-4 Igniter


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SKU: sag-ign-5904 Brand:

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Product Description

Sage 590-4 Igniter fly rod with case and liner

9’0″ 5-wt, 4-piece, 2 15/16 oz.

The Sage Igniter 590-4 makes a perfect all-around trout rod for destinations where wind may demand more power from every cast.


  1. The Method 590-4 was perhaps my favorite rod in the series, so I had some lofty expectations for this stick. The IGNITER 590-4 did not disappoint! This rod is a problem solver. Need to make an honest 50-foot cast into a headwind from a seated position in the boat and turn over a 15-foot leader with a single dry fly? If so, consider this rod. Big western rivers with great dry fly fishing and even greater winds are where this rod wants to live. Pair it with a Rio InTouch Gold WF5F and get ready to make things happen. Inside of 20 feet the rod was a little tight – I preferred the IGNITER 490 in close – but add a little more line to the mix and enjoy the stunning loops this rod lays down. The rod throws dream loops: flat, fast, parallel and completely controlled. The IGNITER 590-4 is optimized at 30 to 50 feet and carries line in the air as confidently and effortlessly as any I have cast. The IGNITER 590-4 is noticeably more powerful than the X 590-4, but not an automatic distance rod like the Method 590-4. I feel like this rod is tuned to fish in the 30 to 75-foot range, and it feels like a fishing tool instead of a casting instructor’s demonstration stick. I am very impressed with this rod and could see myself putting it in my personal quiver. I own an X 590-4 and X 597-4, but the IGNITER 590-4 feels specialized enough to earn a spot between these two inside the gunnels. Again, these are rods that will shine the brightest in the most challenging circumstances and I look forward to winning a battle with the wind holding this rod.

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
  2. Sage made lots of small adjustments to the Igniter 590-4 to make it a rod that virtually anyone would love from the first cast. To be clear, this is still an extra-fast action fly rod that favors an experienced casting stroke, but of all the Igniters, the 590-4 is most forgiving and castable in a full range, rather than just “long.” It feels great and forms intuitive casting loops at all distances. Having cast it with several lines, my favorites are the SA Trout Taper and SA Amplitude Smooth Infinity. The Infinity Taper, which is half a line weight heavy with a long rear taper, loads this Igniter deeper and provides a superior feeling of connectedness. Especially with nymphs or streamers, the Infinity Taper may fish better than any other line on this rod.
    For pure distance I prefer the Trout Taper because loop shape holds up better over 70-80 feet, so the line remains aerodynamic as it shoots.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
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