Orvis Helios F 9′ 6-weight


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SKU: orv-helios-F-906 Brand:

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Product Description

Orvis Helios F 9′ 6-weight, 4-piece fly rod  (4th generation)

comes with partitioned cloth liner and aluminum rod case


  • All-around trout fishing performance
  • Dries, nymphs, and streamers in freshwater rivers and lakes
  • Smooth action for precision casting
  • Responsive mending and line control
  • Modified full wells grip
  • Matte olive blank with olive thread wraps
  • Aluminum rod tube
  • Backed by 25-Year Guarantee
  • Made in USA


  1. The Helios F 9’ 6wt is admittedly pretty similar to the Helios D 9’ 6wt in overall action and taper design. It is definitely not as fast as the D version, but they have a lot of cross-over. The blank is incredibly light, just like the other Helios rods and the rod is a very smooth caster. If you’re looking for a dry fly specific 6wt this is a great option. The rod starts off a little slow but as you give it more line it really starts to shine. This is a great rod for longer dry fly shots. I threw this rod with the Rio Elite Technical Trout WF6F and was very pleased with how the rod and line played together.

    Parker Thompson (Telluride Angler)
  2. Common practice among rod manufacturers is to make 9 foot 6 weight with a fighting butt and another version without one. Oftentimes, this one-to-two inch movement of the cork up the blank affects the overall action and characteristics of the rod, even though they are the same blank. I like what Orvis did with the Helios 9’ 6 weights. The D and the F are cosmetically different, the D has the fighting butt, the F does not and their actions while similar are just different enough to create some separation. I preferred the Helios F 906. It is more dry fly leaning and with a Rio Technical Trout provided solid feedback and connection with the line through the cast. Not blistering line speed performance, but matched, level and expectant with a casual confidence. This would make for a fine hopper and dry dropper rod out of the boat or wading.

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
  3. This would be a wonderful rod for fishing dry flies in New Zealand, Patagonia or other places that call for a 6-weight with tippet protection capability. It is also excellent for nymphing with light tippet for heavy trout (like on the Taylor or Frying Pan). Not much softer than the Helios D 9’ 6-weight, the rod has a stiff enough butt section to double haul with confidence and fish terrestrials up to a size #8. It will handle a variety of popular 6-weight lines, but my favorite is the Rio Technical Trout, a line that once again lends to dry fly fishing rather than streamers or heavy nymph rigs. Avoid specialty streamer lines, such as the Rio Outbound or SA Titan taper, which will overload the rod and cause wobbly instability.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
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