Sage 476-3 Dart


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SKU: sag-dar-4763

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Product Description

Sage Dart 476-3 fly rod with case and liner

7’6″ 4-wt, 3-piece, 2 1/8 oz.

The Sage 476-3 Dart is ideal for fishing larger dry flies on small streams, or dry dropper rigs with large point flies.


  1. This is the one DART model that plays well with lines other than the Creek WF4F. With the Perception, the rod handled nicely and it is a viable choice for an up and coming fly fishermen looking for a creek-length rod with a little more all-around play. Think Southern Appalachian freestone and creek rod combo. With the Rio Gold, the rod was tighter (narrower timing window), but I got more feedback from the rod with the Gold. Not surprisingly, the Creek WF4F was my favorite line on the rod and it was a ton of fun to cast. The DART 4-weight cast with wonderful stability and a confident and distinct pause in the backcast. The 476-3 is equally at home pulling bigger trout out of tight creeky spaces (Creek WF4F) or fishing a dry dropper through the summer months on a small to medium freestone (Perception WF4F).

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
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