Sage 790-4 R8 Core


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Product Description

Sage 790-4  R8 Core Fly Rod

9’0″ 7-wt, 4-piece rod with anodized aluminum reel seat and fighting butt
Comes with a case and liner
Unconditional Lifetime Warranty

  • Revolution 8 Technology
  • Silver Pine blank color
  • Slate primary wrap colors with graduated white and grey trim
  • Fuji ceramic stripping guides with hard chrome snake guides and tip top
  • Black rod bag with new cord lock for quicker, easier, cleaner storage
  • Aluminum rod tube with Sage logo medallion
  • 3-6 wt:  sustainable Ziricote wood insert with anodized uplocking aluminum real seat
  • 3-6 wt:  premium flor grade snub-nosed half-Wells grip
  • 5-9 wt:  corrosion-resistant anodized aluminum reel seat
  • 5-9 wt (all models with a fighting butt):  premium Flor grade full Wells grip with EVA fighting butt


  1. Expecting a tip-casting streamer stick, I found this model to be more suitable for bass fishing and nymphing, where an easy going cast with an open delivers the goods without much input from the caster. This would make a fine all-purpose rod for Alaska or anywhere in bass country, but would not be my choice for heavy streamers (Montana) or fishing in major wind (Argentina, Chile, Northern Rockies). I found this rod to be clunky and bouncy with a Rio Gold, but the heavier and smoother Rio Predator seemed to pull through the wrinkles. A rod of this style has advantages with wind-resistant flies, like spun deer bass bugs, and with a nymph-indicator rig in both the cast and line mend.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
  2. If you’re looking for a dedicated streamer rod from Sage I would suggest looking at the 790/4 Igniter rather than the 790/4 R8 Core. The 790/4 R8 won’t handle the heavy streamer style lines as well as some other rods out there. It throws a weight forward floating line well and is a very nice casting rod with a line like the SA Amplitude Smooth Infinity WF7F. With the Infinity it throws beautiful tight loops and is very intuitive. It will make for a great big water nymphing rod. You really need to make sure to slow down a bit on your casting stroke. Unlike some 7wt Sage rods of the past, this rod does not like to be overpowered by the caster. As far as streamer style fly lines go, the Rio Elite Predator lines pair very well with this rod.

    Parker Thompson (Telluride Angler)
  3. The R8 Core 790 has a different feel than the X 790, and shares similar characteristics to the R8 890 and 990. Out of all the R8 rods, the R8 790 has the most traditional fast Sage feel. It is a strong rod that likes a strong cast. Lines like the Gold and Infinity required more precision for maximum performance and you get the feeling that you cannot overpower this rod. Bonefish tapers were great on the rod and the R8 Core 790 led me to believe it would be a very good bonefish rod. The R8 Core 790 is the perfect rod for the angler that wants one 7-weight to do everything: Bonefish, Redfish, Alaska Trout, trout streamers, smallmouth and largemouth to name a few. I don’t think this rod is the best at any one thing, but there may not be a truly better 790 for doing anything and everything with this line weight.

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
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