Winston Air 2 Max 8’6″ 6-weight


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Product Description

Winston Air 2 Max 8′6″ 6-weight, 4-piece rod

comes with aluminum case and partitioned cloth liner


  1. I am so impressed with this rod and plan to take one on my next flats trip. The taper refinement is A+. It casts beautifully off the tip with a lighter weight saltwater line (I threw the Rio Elite Bonefish WF6) and uses more and more of the rod with each increment of line. Loop shape and line speed are superb at all distances. I feel like I could throw a bonefish fly in the size #6-#8 range anywhere from 20 feet to 70 feet with confidence that my leader would turn over immaculately. The angler will have the soft touch desired in a 6-weight saltwater rod without sacrificing castability in the wind. Many anglers will prefer a redfish taper or other slightly heavy-headed line to cast larger flies, or to cast without a double haul. The rod handles an incredible array of lines, almost like it has a unique strategy for casting each one. For example, it’s equally capable with an SA Titan Long, a freshwater streamer line with a 7-weight head that specializes in longer casts with extra large streamers. This line slows down the casting cadence, but doesn’t destabilize the rod. It handles this challenging line better than any 6-weight rod I’ve ever cast, which makes this a slam dunk crossover rod for saltwater, heavy trout streamers, and every bass that swims. What a wonderful and useful fly rod!

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
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