Winston Pure 2 8’3″ 4-weight


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SKU: win-pure2-834

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Product Description

Winston Pure 2  8’3″ 4-weight 4-piece fly rod, case and liner

  • ACTION: Medium
  • GUIDES: Chrome nanolite stripper guide/chrome plated, light wire snake guides
  • REEL SEAT: Nickel Silver with figured box elder insert
  • CASE and LINER: Premium graphite rod tube with embroidered logo rod sock


  1. This rod shows how much fun we can have in this sport. It’s the perfect balance of length and lightness, a versatile and unique 4-weight that will fish all the mid-sized water with leaders up to about 13 feet. I just love it. When I saw these two models on the list (8’3” 4 and 5-weights), I was full of hope because I could imagine fishing them all over SW Colorado. Here they are, two of the finest Winstons I’ve ever cast. The 4-weight is terrific with an SA Trout taper up to about 50 feet at which point its length limits range. A Rio Technical Trout loads the rod slightly deeper but with no loss of control. The SA Trout makes the rod feel lightest but the Rio Tech Trout generates a tad more momentum for longer leaders or dry-dropper combinations.

    The action of this rod is ideal for its length. I expect a mid-length 4-weight to handle leaders of at least 12’ and throw with accuracy and control to around 45-50 feet, but also to load and deliver short, forming casting loops with very little line in the air, that feeling of delicacy in a truly light rod tip. This rod has it all, plus an X factor that I find in so many Winston trout rods: a springy, touchy, elegant sensation that becomes stronger as more line is cast within the optimal range for the rod. Once you feel it, you can’t forget it.

    I’m searching my memory for any previous experience with an 8’ 3” fly rod. If this length is even remotely applicable to your fishing, you must try this rod. Wow.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
  2. The 8’3” 4wt Pure 2 from Winston is your classic technical tailwater style 4wt. As you might expect from Winston it has great feel and touch but also plenty of lower end power to fight bigger fish and battle the elements when the wind picks up. This rod won’t fish the extra long leaders quite as well as the 9’ 4wt in the family but it can certainly handle a leader of moderate length. Just like all of the shorter Pure 2 rods, it throws beautifully tight loops for a dry fly style rod. It was rather windy when I first threw this rod and I was thoroughly impressed with how it handled the conditions. I tried out a couple of fly lines on this rod and liked both of them. The SA Amplitude Trout WF4F throws the tightest loop and stiffens up the rod just a shade. The Rio Elite Technical Trout loads easiest in close and slows the rod down ever so slightly.

    Parker Thompson (Telluride Angler)
  3. This rod will go down as one of the all-time Winstons. There will be people who lament the loss of the 804 and 864 Pure rods, both great rods that should peak one’s curiosity about this new model. Please go and cast this rod, especially if you own the other two. When I got the line right on this model, I felt like I had found a time machine or genie’s lamp. The Rio Elite Technical Trout is the line for this rod in my opinion. The SA Trout was ok, but like the Pure 2 794, I felt like the line and rod weren’t completely in sync and I wanted more engagement between the two. Lined up with the Rio Elite Technical Trout the Pure 2 834 was magical, complete connectivity with the rod with every inch of both rod and line in unison. Really lovely. Line speed traveled off the tip in a manner that told you how many inches are exiting while asking politely how many more or less would you prefer? I never tried to hero-cast this rod but I definitely cast it far into the wind, several times, like over and over again. It delivers perfect loop formation with intuitive timing and load recognition that is automatic but leaves me in the driver’s seat. This is a rod you will cast better because it wants to make a perfect cast. This rod will definitely find a home on the Dolores and San Miguel rivers and is my favorite of the 4s and 5s in this series.

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
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