Winston Tom Morgan Favorite 8′ 4-wt


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SKU: win-tmf

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Product Description

Winston Tom Morgan Favorite 8′ 4-wt, 2-piece fly rod, case and liner

    • ACTION: Medium
    • SECTIONS: 2
    • GUIDES: Chrome nanoli test ripper guide/chrome snake guides
    • REEL SEAT: Nickel Silver with burled wood insert
    • STORAGE: Premium aluminum tube with logo rod sock

First offered in 1989 as a limited edition 60th Anniversary model, the Tom Morgan Favorite Rod has proved to be so popular it has remained a Winston customer favorite for the last 30 years.

Tom grew up fishing the spring creeks of Montana for wary brown trout where the slightest mistake spooks the fish. He designed the “Tom Morgan Favorite” as a specialized 2-piece, extra light, 8’ 4-weight, made from moderate modulus graphite for those close to mid-range distances where delicacy, finesse, and accuracy are essential.


  1. Winston’s defining fly rod, the TMF 8’ 4-wt belongs in the quiver of every angler who loves to cast a dry fly. The TMF is the slowest action fly rod in the modern Winston catalog, but immaculately tuned for casting dry flies with conventional WF or DT fly lines. Casting this rod side-by-side with the Pure 8’ 4-wt, I am struck by how much I like both rods. I can feel every inch of this rod’s tip and mid-section flexing in perfect harmony with the length of line that I am casting. The formation of gorgeous dry fly loops is accompanied by a springy feel as the rod flexes deeply and recovers in a gentle but sure arc. Casting this rod with a Scientific Anglers Trout Taper line literally makes hackles stand on end (my hackles, not those of the dry fly). In comparison to the Pure 8’ 4-weight, this rod requires a casting stroke that is perhaps 15% slower. The practical fishing range of the TMF is up to about 45 feet.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
  2. I have to say that I love everything about this rod. I like what the rod means to the brand and the Winston faithful. I like that it trumps convention and comes only in a 2-piece model. I like that it screams Winston, you can almost feel the history in the blank. Most of all I like that, “A good fly rod is always a good fly rod,” from the Winston team. This is a rod for the discerning fly fisher who isn’t focused on the latest trend, but simply looking to enjoy themselves in the stream and drown out the world in a two-count rhythm. This is the deepest flexing Winston I cast. While flexing fully, the rod tip doesn’t walk around, but tracks true and loads and unloads casually, smoothly and predictably. There’s a serious fun factor built into this blank and you’ll have time to ponder while you wait for the rod to let you know to start the forward cast. This is a heritage quality rod that fishes right there with the rest of the pack. Pick one of these up and head to a place where you soak in the sights and sounds of the natural world while waiting for a nose to break the surface.

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
  3. This thing is so amazing! I cannot get over how sweet this little thing is to cast. I use 4 weights more than any other weight, and this is easily my favorite and it has only been a few hours. If you are unfamiliar with Winston rods, they are absolutely gorgeous in every way, they are very well made and the attention to detail is just top notch. I paired my TMF with a Ross Colorado Lt 3/4 and strung it up with SA Mastery DT4F line and I think it is a solid match. I chose the DT because I like the say they perform with a deeper flexing soft presentation rod (which this most certainly is). I have not had it for more than few hours, but I have already fished with it (benefits of having a small river in your back yard), and it will be my primary rod all year. Mends excellent, flies land on the water ever so gently. I am not sure you could find a better dry fly rod out there. I have zero complaints about this rod. Jason and Parker at Telluride Angler were both outstanding with assisting me in the decision to get this rod. If you haven’t added this rod to your shopping cart yet, then you are wrong!

  4. My TMF 8’0″ fly rod is my favorite dry fly rod. The only trade off is that it is more difficult to travel with being a 2 piece instead of 4 piece rod. Other than that one trade off, this rod is an absolute pleasure to fish. Love the action and feel.

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