NRX+ LP 590-4


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SKU: glo-nrx-lp-590 Brand:

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Product Description

G.Loomis NRX+ LP 590-4 fly rod with partitioned rod sock and high quality case

9’0″ 5-wt, 4-pc rod

~ Single foot recoil guides
~ Titanium SiC stripper guides
~ Cigar grip with AAA quality cork (line weights 3 & 4)
~ Half Wells grip, AAA quality cork (line weights 5 & 6)
~ Custom aluminum reel seat with amboyna hardwood insert
~ Aluminum rod case with partitioned cloth liner
~ Handcrafted in Woodland, Washington




  1. This rod is simply unbelievable with a Scientific Anglers Trout Taper. It flexes a little deeper than the 383-4 or 486-4, using the whole rod to generate significant line speed. Like some of my favorite Winstons, it has a stiff tip, so it actually doesn’t cast all that well at short distances. Over about 25’, however, the loop control, line speed and touch are marvelous. Very few rod and line combinations are sweeter than this model with a Trout Taper. At distance, the casting loop is incredibly flat and tight, just spectacular. I could cast this rod all day…until the wind starts blowing. My favorite line for calm day dry fly fishing is definitely the SA Trout Taper. To fish hoppers, stoneflies or nymph rigs, load it with a Rio Gold. The Gold helps cut the wind, too, because it generates more momentum at short and mid distance.

    Many anglers will compare this rod with the original NRX LP, a global favorite 5-weight. The rods have a similar cadence, but every angler will notice the improvements in swing weight and stability. The new NRX+ 590-4 LP has much less tip bounce and wobble in the stroke. It’s lighter in hand and “fishes lighter” on the water. Wind is still the enemy of the LP, but for a light-touch 5-weight, this rod has few peers.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
  2. The original 9’ 5wt LP has been one of my favorite all around 5wt rods for quite some time. The folks at G Loomis have built off of this legendary rod and have created an even better medium action 5wt rod. It is very crisp casting stick. The new rod is noticeably lighter than the previous version and is significantly more stable. Though this is not designed to throw tight loops, it certainly holds its own. I cast this rod with the SA Amplitude Trout and found it to be wonderful when the wind was not present. It struggled a bit in the wind with that line. I would highly recommend trying the Rio InTouch Technical Trout on there. It will help it load in close and will perform a little better on windier days. This rod is sure to be a strong contender when it comes to slower action 5wt rods.

    Parker Thompson (Telluride Angler)
  3. The predecessor to this model was so good and well received that we had big expectations for the NRX+ LP 590. We were not disappointed. This rod is a perfectly tuned medium action 5-weight capable of being a go-to 5-weight for everyday trout work and fitting into the quiver as a specialized technical 5-weight with a lighter touch. My favorite lines were the SA Trout tapers and the Rio Technical Trout line. A Rio Gold is a great option as well for the angler looking to throw a slightly larger fly or fish a reasonable indicator rig. The NRX+ 590-4 LP is an easy rod for the caster to dig deeper down on the blank. You can feel this even with a roll cast. Loop formation was instant and even at all distances with the blank springing to life and encouraging the caster. This rod feels more refined and stable than the original LP 590 without losing any of that sweet stable feeling the series is known for. If you like a more moderate action 5-weight, take notice of this rod, it could be the next trout rod you reach for.

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