Scott Centric 1005-4


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Product Description

Scott Centric 1005-4  fly rod

10’0″ 5-weight, 4-piece rod

With either dry flies or nymphs, the Centric 1005-4 is fly rod for precision angling and sensational touch.  Fish this rod on your favorite big river or lake and enjoy the advantages of reach and line control.


  1. This rod is hyper-optimized for its purposes. All 10’ 5-weights offer advantages in reach and line control, but the Centric 1005-4 is magnificently fine-tuned in balance, action, power and touch. It’s a delight to cast. I feel my lifelong disdain for 10’ trout rods eroding quickly. A rod that should feel awful feels terrific, is actually fun to cast, mend, roll cast, pick up, lay down, cast again. Most 10’ trout rods feel best when you aren’t casting them. This one is different.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
  2. The Centric 1005 was the most accepting of line tapers out of the 10-foot 5-weights. The only line that it didn’t love was the Rio Elite Gold, but no similar rod cast very well with the Gold. For all three rods the Infinity taper was the best line and the Centric 1005 may have thrown the Infinity the best. What an excellent pairing! This combo gave me that magic wand feeling. With this line the Centric 1005 made me feel like it could handle the full breadth of 5-weight fly fishing scenarios. For a shorter-headed line the Airflo Power Taper performed excellent with this rod. You could load it up and watch the head leap away from the rod tip as the purple running line chased after, making for a very easy shooting head style combination. The Rio Tech Trout was great and was a strong enough match for this rod to consider. If you are looking for a 10-foot 5-weight and might do a little euro nymphing the Tech Trout is a great choice. The slightly thinner head feels lighter in the hand and will leave you enough feeling to pick up a subtle take. This is a unique pairing that straddles the line between two very different styles.

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
  3. When casting the 1004 Centric, I felt like it was a bit heavy when comparing it to others in its class. When casting this 1005 Centric, I found it to be spot on. It felt exactly like I wanted it to feel when casting. This is a smooth, reasonably weighted 10’ 5wt rod. Paired with an SA Amplitude Infinity Taper, I would head out with a pocket full of split shot, some of my favorite tungsten nymphs accompanied with the biggest indicator that I can get my hands on, and feel confident that I can nymph the deepest of runs without compromise.

    Jim Harris (Telluride Angler)
  4. Similar to the 1004 Centric, the 1005 is light in hand and a great overhead caster. It isn’t quite as powerful as some other 10-foot 5wt rods, but it will still shoot a heavy nymph rig across big rivers on windy days. Don’t be afraid to pick this up for your favorite stillwater destination either. The extra length can really help with the longer casts and heavier flies. 10-foot rods are growing in popularity and it’s important to take note about how special the new Centrics are. All of the 10-footers in the lineup are great. Like most modern 10-foot 5wt rods, the SA Amplitude Infinity is the best pairing. The line helps flex the rod a little deeper and holds its loop shape well.

    Parker Thompson (Telluride Angler)
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