Scott Centric 905-4


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Product Description

Scott Centric 905-4  fly rod

9’0″ 5-weight, 4-piece rod

The Centric 905-4 is a rod of ultimate versatility, power and feel.  Fish this rod for trout anywhere in the world, or for whatever swims in your backyard.


  1. This rod delivers the flattest loops of any fly rod I’ve ever cast. It is remarkable with a Rio Elite Gold and even better with a Scientific Anglers Infinity Taper. The Gold will be the choice of many anglers who prefer that line for its strong shooting characteristics and manageable taper head, but you’ll run out of fly line when casting for true distance and wish you had a little more taper to work with. This is where, in my opinion, the Infinity Taper truly excels. The Centric 905-4 has a remarkable ability to control loop shape at distance. It’s like driving a stick shift at 100 mph with several more gears available. If your fishing consistently requires distance casting and long mends, go with the Infinity Taper. You’ll lay down 60-90 feet of line without a wrinkle in your presentation. Drilling the bank from a driftboat, the Gold may prove more manageable. Casting the Rio Elite Gold, I can false cast nothing more than the line head and shoot the remaining 50’, the line jerking on the reel as it tightens upon extension.

    The fishing qualities of the Centric 905-4 surpass any fast action fly rod that I have personally fished. On the Gunnison, I can stack mend all the way to the indicator at 50 feet. It roll casts easily, whereas the Radian, Igniter and other ultra-fast rods do so hesitantly. I have fished this rod with large and small dry flies, long and short leaders, nymphs, streamers and various hopper-dropper rigs. This is one of the fishiest fly rods in the world.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
  2. The Centric is an exceptional fast action 9-foot 5-weight with a steep taper, a softer tip and a blank that flexes progressively along its length in relation to the distance you intend to cast. The feedback from this rod is exceptional and provides a wonderful feeling of connectivity with the line. The Centric 905 was excellent with all the lines but my two favorites were the Infinity taper and the Technical Trout. With the Technical Trout, the loops thread the eye of the needle tight and I felt like the taper was a perfect match for this rod. The rod cast lighter in the hand with this line and felt like a perfect dry fly instrument. The components are second to none and the small details on the Centric rods speak to the individual care these rods receive from Scott. The Airflo Power Taper was a lot of fun on this rod and is one of the easiest combinations to reach out to 50 feet. A great option for the up and coming angler looking to get a leg up on the learning curve. The SA Infinity taper is the best all around line for the rod in my opinion. The rod didn’t lose any line speed with the slightly heavier line and the cadence was perfect. You feel in control with this setup and it gives you a sense of how much line you have in the air with each false cast. This setup combines no-nonsense fly delivery with astounding feel and touch and should be a top consideration for a 9-foot 5-weight that will up your game, and certainly your enjoyment in fly casting.

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
  3. This is a rod that is very capable of casting under windy circumstances. It forms unbelievably tight, level loops with almost no effort. These loops have no problem cutting through the wind in order to deliver your fly directly to the kitchen table. I have fished this rod in just about every possible way and have yet to be disappointed. Its mending capabilities are tremendous, and it throws a crawfish pattern in still water equally as well as it will throw a nymph rig or a dry fly on your favorite stretch of river. The SA Amplitude Infinity Taper is what I prefer to fish on this rod. However, if you load it with a Rio Elite Technical Trout, you might just change your mind.

    Jim Harris (Telluride Angler)
  4. Until recently, the 905/4 Scott Radian has been my absolute favorite fast action 5wt. It was, at the time of its introduction, a paradigm shifting rod in terms of being a fast action rod with good feel. The new Centric 905 has taken that concept and mastered it. This rod is powerful but subtle enough for the most technical of situations. Just like the other rods in the Centric family, the 905 is a monster caster. It holds a nice tight loop for days and is very easy to maneuver. You can’t quite punch this rod as much as some of the others in the lineup so pay attention to your stroke and let the rod do the work. I have cast and fished quite a few lines on this rod and like the SA Amplitude Infinity best in all categories. There are a lot of great fast action 9-foot 5wt rods out there, and the 905 Centric right at the top of the list.

    Parker Thompson (Telluride Angler)
  5. After 3 weeks of waiting, the Centric arrived in Burgundy (France) and unpacked, under a beautiful winter sun. First tests on the water …., and I changed world!
    Absolutely stunning!
    Sharp as a razor, intuitive and precise …. What a marvel!
    Thank you to the entire Telluride Anglers team for this wonderful shipment

    Loic Bourrouet
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