Scott Swing 1186-4


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SKU: Sco-swing-11864 Brand:

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Product Description

Scott Swing 1186-4 fly rod

11’8″ 6-weight, 4-piece, double handed fly rod
Comes with aluminum case and partitioned cloth liner

Recommendation from Rod Designer Jim Bartschi:  Pure fun. This rod excels at all techniques in waters where shorter heads and casting distances are called for and fish are of average size. It’s super light in hand and transmits a ton of feel but maintains a high level of stability when changing casting direction or using sinking tips.

Scott Swing Line Recommendations
Single Handed Rods
Line WtGrainsGrainsGramsGrams
Double Handed Rods
Line WtGrainsGrainsGramsGrams


  1. The 1186 was a standout in my opinion and probably the most surprising rod in the Swing lineup to me. About 10 years ago, there wasn’t really a thing called “trout Spey.” We were using switch rods with Spey tactics and also doing some heavy nymphing on the deepest runs in rivers like the Gunnison. These rods were listed at #5 or #6 switch and were around 11 feet long. Trout Spey rods grew out of people fishing switch rods down and across more than they used them for nymphing. An 1105 switch rod kind of morphed into an 1104 trout Spey rod and the tapers changed from switch rod tapers you could cast two handed to traditional spey rod tapers that were meant to be cast two handed. Trout Spey rods usually stop at a 5-weight and full on Spey rods begin at a 6-weight. Switch rods are typically 5 to 8-weights. The 6-weight is where you get some crossover between trout Spey, true Spey and switch. A #6 switch would be around eleven feet, a #6 trout Spey around eleven and half feet and a #6 Spey rod being over twelve feet in length, roughly. The lengthy explanation above is meant to illustrate the unique character and absolute versatility of this rod.

    I don’t think it really fits into one style of rod and possesses characteristics and capabilities of switch, trout Spey and real deal Spey rods all in one blank. Lightness in the hand and a crispness to the action that is noticeable compared to the 1184 stood out to me. I could cast this rod quickly and handle it much more readily than I can my L2H 1106 (a true switch rod) despite being 8 inches longer. That extra length and stability in the upper made it a true showstopper with a 360 grain Scandi head at 31’. It was a divine combination and surprised me with distance out the tip from energy applied. The Skagit Max Power 400 grain head was perfect. The rod engages the line along the whole length and I never felt a separation from rod to line along the sweep, even if my anchor wasn’t just right. The rod seemed to always rock back into the ready position before I began the forward cast. I would fish a large streamer with this setup, but I wouldn’t be afraid of fishing smaller streamers either. The absolute control allowed for a feeling of placement I rarely have with a Skagit head of any kind. The extra size and grain weight make fishing wooly buggers and sparkle minnows for trout a reality on a Scandi head. The rod feels like a 4-weight trout Spey in the hand and does not require a heavy reel to balance. The 1186 is certainly worthy of fishing summer steelhead with its range, playfulness and ease of casting. People often ask me for a rod that can do more than perhaps it was intended to do. “I’d like a trout Spey, but I go chase summer runs in the fall,” kind of thing. This is a rod that fits that bill. It will fish soft hackles, but that is more of the 1184’s job. I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to fish this rod trout Spey style with streamers on either Skagit of Scandi heads. It would definitely come with me on a trip to the Grande Ronde, especially if the fish were up. I didn’t put any nymph lines on it, and that is a part of my fishing that has largely remained in my past. I know that this rod would stand in for that very well, and for the angler looking for a swing first but nymph capable long rod, this is the bar in my opinion.

    This is a truly unique rod that straddles the line between a trout Spey and a traditional light Spey rod that I believe will be the envy of any Spey caster that picks it up.

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
  2. This rod will convert many single-handed casters to confident two-handed anglers. What a joy to cast. I first cast it with a Rio Skagit Launch 400 grain head and found it ideal for heavy trout streamers. Cast with a light iMow 5+5, it easily transported a #8 cone head streamer. With a Rio Scandi 31’ 360 grain head, it leapt through the guides and delivered bullets to the far side of the river. I can imagine swinging a #8 GBS on the Grande Rhone or Wenatchee. Heaven. Of all the rods in this series, this model begs to be considered a “switch rod.” Thankfully, it is no such thing. From my experience, “switch rods” cast equally poorly regardless of technique. Does anyone actually overhead cast with an 11 ½’ rod? This is a pure two-hander of the highest caliber, remarkable for its loop-forming capability in a rod under 12’ in length. This is a great rod for learning two-handed techniques and a versatile, practical rod for crossing between heavy trout and light steelhead. You might fish this thing 8-9 months in a season. This may be the finest rod I threw all day, or at least my favorite among the lighter line weights.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
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