Scott Swing 1387-4


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SKU: Sco-swing-13874

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Product Description

Scott Swing 1387-4 fly rod

13’8″ 7-weight, 4-piece, double handed fly rod
Comes with aluminum case and partitioned cloth liner

Recommendation from Rod Designer Jim Bartschi:  While this rod casts shorter heads and sink tips with grace and ease, it’s our number one choice when choosing a longer belly line and making long-distance tight loop casts.  A perfect rod for most of B.C. and most Atlantic salmon.

Scott Swing Line Recommendations
Single Handed Rods
Line WtGrainsGrainsGramsGrams
Double Handed Rods
Line WtGrainsGrainsGramsGrams



  1. If you have room on the river you’re fishing, this thing is a weapon. I liked the out-of-orbit distance with the Rio Scandi Lauch 470 grain line. You could simply throw it across the river at will. The extra length gave me the feeling of launching line off of a ladder with the Scandi head. It absolutely heaved the 500 grain Skagit head as well, and I could get a little more distance than the 1287 when I hit the Skagit head just right. The 1287 was more repeatable and faster to fish than the 1387 for me. In a perfect world, I’d have a 1287 with a Skagit and tip setup for swinging slow and deep and a 1387 with a Scandi rig for fishing the upper water column. Take your surroundings into consideration when choosing between the 7 weights.

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
  2. The essence of aerodynamics in a Spey rod, this model throws a 470 grain Scandi like they were born in the same cradle. Keep your hands “in the window.” It will cast a 500 grain Skagit with complete confidence, but it really excels with the Scandi, with which no river will seem too wide. What impresses me most is the line speed that is achievable with the Scandi head. I cast it again and again just to watch my loop in the air, and many of our customers will throw a prettier loop. If you fish broad rivers that are well-suited to a full floating line, such as the Clearwater and the Deschutes, this rod opens a new dimension.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
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