Winston Air 2 Max 9′ 7-weight


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Product Description

Winston Air 2 Max 9′ 7-weight, 4-piece rod

comes with aluminum case and partitioned cloth liner


  1. This rod possesses major down range casting ability but requires an aggressive casting stroke or heavy-headed line to awaken. Loops tighten at distance as long as the caster stays on the throttle. It lacks the sense of lightness and feel that some anglers seek in a 7-weight, but its fishing capabilities cover both the 7 and 8-weight line classes, so as a daily driver, highly useful.

    I first cast it with an SA Amplitude Bonefish line, then with the SA Amplitude Smooth Bonefish Plus WF7F. The latter line is a ½ line weight heavier than the original and, predictably, a better match. The rod suddenly felt lighter, even though the line is heavier. Seemingly a contradiction, it actually makes perfect sense. The heavier line does more work to load the stiff fly rod, requiring less exertion from the caster. So, I tried other heavy headed lines and was blown away by how powerful and easy-casting the Air 2 Max 7-weight becomes. My favorite line pairing is the Rio Elite Redfish WF7. Line speed is outstanding, stability ideal and the transition from short to long feels smooth and natural. This is an A+ rod and line combination for redfish and short-to-mid distance bonefish shots.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
  2. The 9’ 7wt Winston AIR 2 MAX is an excellent all around 7wt rod. It is one of the stiffer rods in the AIR 2 MAX lineup in relation to its line weight but still has the classic Winston feel off the tip. The rod itself is wonderfully light in hand and casts well at all distances. It’s a little more picky than other rods in the series in terms of line pairings, if you try it with a line and it doesn’t feel quite right don’t give up on it right away. The first line I tried on this rod was the Rio Elite Bonefish WF7F. This line works alright but is a bit too light and stiffens up the blank more than I would like to see from a bonefish rod. From there I moved to the Rio Elite Flats Pro WF7F and the Rio Premier Redfish WF7F. Both of these lines activate the power of the rod more efficiently and load much easier in close. My favorite line on this rod however is the new SA Amplitude Smooth Bonefish Plus WF7F. This line loads well in close, holds a tight loop at distance, and lands nice and soft on the water. If you’re looking to use this as a 7wt bonefish stick I would highly recommend this line. All in all, this is a great 7wt that will fish high in its line class and is nice and light in hand.

    Parker Thompson (Telluride Angler)
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