ASQ 890-4


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SKU: glo-asq-890 Brand:

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Product Description

Asquith 890-4

9′ 0″ 8-wt, 4-pc rod   Handle: Wells grip, anodized reel seat, fighting butt

The Asquith 890-4 is ideal for bonefish, redfish, striped bass, largemouth bass, pike and salmon.





  1. Not surprisingly, I found the Asquith 9’ 8-weight to cast much better with saltwater than freshwater lines. This is a powerful fly rod, so the subtleties of freshwater tapers are a bit lost. It is awesome with a bonefish line, however, and can handle any saltwater 8-weight fly line of your choosing. Loop control is adequate, but the Asquith 890-4 really excels at distance casting and line shooting. The main difference between this model and its famous predecessor, the NRX 9’ 8-weight, is physical weight. The Asquith 890-4 feels and casts much lighter.

    Lines: SA Bonefish, Rio Bonefish, SA Sonar Saltwater Intermediate, Rio Grand, Rio Permit Taper

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
  2. This rod was crazy good with a Bonefish taper and effortlessly threw the whole fly line. This is a line speed machine capable of going from zero to fully loaded at an instant. Like the NRX I could see this rod becoming a cult classic in the saltwater world. Bottom line, if you’re looking for a new 9 foot 8 weight to take to the salt you should cast this rod and be ready to be impressed.

    Richard Post (The Telluride Angler)
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