NRX+ 990-4


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SKU: glo-nrx-990 Brand:

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Product Description

G.Loomis  NRX+ 990-4 Saltwater fly rod

9’0″ 9-wt, 4-pc rod with aluminum case and cloth liner



  1. To me, the 7, 8 and 9-weight saltwater models feel like family.  The 10, 11 and 12 feel like family, too…but a different family.  The NRX+ 990-4 is a terrific caster with the lightness of the 7 and 8-weights and the characteristic stability of all rods in this series.  Casting accuracy is tremendous because there is so little lateral sway through the stroke.  The rod is efficient and hugely powerful.  It requires a heavy headed line, however.  My favorite saltwater lines are the Rio Direct Core bonefish and SA Amplitude Smooth Bonefish, neither of which are heavy enough to load this rod with a relaxed stroke.  The Rio Flats Pro is a good match, as are the SA Grand Slam and SA Amplitude Infinity Saltwater line.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
  2. The 990 NRX+ is very similar to both the 790 and 890 versions in the lineup. All three rods cast and feel like one another but in their respective line weights. It possesses an air like feeling while casting but still has plenty of power. I liked the old NRX 9′ 9wt, but felt that it lacked the feel that a lot of us are after. The new NRX+ rods all have significantly better feel and soul. It is accurate at all distances and very easy to his your shots. It has a relatively stiff tip and therefore can handle slightly more aggressive fly line tapers. I liked both the Rio DirectCore Flats Pro line and the Rio DirectCore Permit line on there.

    Parker Thompson (Telluride Angler)
  3. The NRX+ 990 has a very steep taper and casts like a traditional saltwater 9-weight, noticeably lighter in hand than the GLX or NRX but with a feel that is reminiscent of these models. There isn’t a ton of feedback offered to the caster as the rod loads, but the end result is automatic. Leader turnover and the delivery of the fly are both excellent and this rod has the strength in the lower end to drive a strong cast into the wind. This 9-weight feels like a great striper and sinking line fly rod possessing great strength in the blank and loads of stability. The NRX+ 9 weight requires the caster to pay attention through the cast and in the right hands will deliver the fly without compromise.

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