Orvis Helios F 9′ 4-weight


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SKU: orv-helios-F-904 Brand:

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Product Description

Orvis Helios F 9′ 4-weight, 4-piece fly rod  (4th generation)

comes with partitioned cloth liner and aluminum rod case


  • All-around trout fishing performance
  • Dries, nymphs, and light streamers in freshwater rivers and lakes
  • Smooth action for precision casting
  • Responsive mending and line control
  • Modified full wells grip
  • Matte olive blank with olive thread wraps
  • Aluminum rod tube
  • Backed by 25-Year Guarantee
  • Made in USA


  1. The Helios F 9’ 4wt is a lovely casting rod. Just like all of the Helios rods, it’s incredibly light in hand and very responsive. This is a rod that will be happiest throwing a single dry fly but it has enough power to make for a great dry-dropper rod as well. It’s a remarkably smooth caster with great feel. This is one of those rods that is very intuitive and extremely easy to cast and maneuver. I played around with a couple different lines on this rod and like the Rio Elite Technical Trout WF4F best. The SA Amplitude Trout WF4F is good at distance but isn’t quite heavy enough to load in close.

    Parker Thompson (Telluride Angler)
  2. We all really liked this rod and the Helios F 9’ 4 weight in my hands presents the perfect balance between turnover with line speed and a soft, precise touch. The F 904 is a little quick in a good way, put plenty smooth with lovely line engagement and perfect loop formation instantly. Tight and solid loops that lead from the bottom and hold themselves up proudly. An exceptional dry fly setup of the exacting angler, I found the Rio Technical Trout to be the perfect line pairing, offering line speed with touch and an unwavering connection with the line. The rod felt alive and electric, just one of those pairings you lament having to put down.

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
  3. One of my favorites in either the Helios F or D series, the F 9’ 4-weight casts dry flies effortlessly to about 55’, a rangy light rod for fishing small and medium sized flies on long leaders for spooky trout. The rod has a sophisticated taper with the perfect relationship between the 4 parts to allow mid-rod flex without a heavy tip.

    This is high level rod design. The tip flexes elegantly, creating gorgeous dry fly loops with no effort from the caster and imparting the sense of touch and feel associated with “medium action” fly rods, but subtly stiffens toward the mid-section so you can still hold the line up high on the back cast. Awesome. Lightness and feel radiate from this beautiful rod. I would describe the action as medium or medium-fast, certainly not a slow action graphite rod that flexes into the cork. My favorite line for the Helios F 9’ 4-wt is definitely the Rio Technical Trout which brings out all of the rod’s best qualities and seems ideal for the widest range of leader lengths and dry fly sizes.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
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