Sage Classic R8 590-4


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Product Description

Sage 590-4 Classic R8 fly rod

9’0″ 5-weight, 4-piece

Details and Features
– Revolution 8 Technology
– Sage Brown Blank Color
– Chestnut Base Thread Wraps w/ Beige Trim Wraps
– Super-Slick Chrome Snake Guides & Tip Top w/ SiC Stripper Guide
– Custom Aluminum Up-Locking Reel Seat w/ Extra-Figured Walnut Insert
– Super-Plus Grade Snub-Nose Half-Wells Cork Handle
– Black Rod Bag w/ Quick-Tie Cord Lock
– Aluminum Rod Tube w/ Sage Medallion


  1. This is another well-designed rod in the series. More lively and less dense than its predecessor, the Trout LL, the Classic R8 590-4 loads deeper with greater natural recoil. Everything about it screams “technical dry fly fishing,” although this length and line weight is also ideal for nymphing with small flies, like on tailwaters, or with any flies while wading and casting short-mid distance. With any technique, you’ll enjoy unsurpassed roll casting, line mending and tippet protection with this precision fishing tool.

    The Classic R8 casts long dry fly leaders with elegance and command. The deep, even flex of this rod engages long headed fly lines, like the Rio Technical Trout, with maximum connection for effortless casts and gorgeous, level loops. It puts all the control in the angler’s hand. Open your loop for a slack line cast or tighten it up to pinpoint the landing. In my hands, this rod feels lighter and more flexible than the Trout LL 590-4, but a little more powerful than the Winston Pure 2 590-4, which is truly specialized for silky casts and small flies.

    Like most moderate action trout rods, the R8 Classic are “line sensitive,” designed for specific feel and purpose and requiring a line designed for the same purpose. This is not criticism. In fact, it’s a compliment on refinement. I cast this rod with several lines and have a strong preference for the Rio Technical Trout because it loads the blank deeply and evenly. With a Rio Gold, which has a shorter, heavier head, the cast starts just fine but the rod begins to feel unconfident in the middle section when I have 35-40 feet of line in the air, as if the heavy line head were issuing an unwelcome challenge. So, stick with long-headed lines that have a gentle taper.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
  2. Hard to beat a 9 foot 5-weight from the team on Bainbridge Island, and they have produced what could be their best moderate action 590 in the Classic R8. Less dense and more spirited in the hand than the Trout LL 590, the Classic R8 loads deeper and more naturally. The 590 changed its character more than its personality with various floating lines. Lighter, longer lines, like the SA Trout, tighten up the blank and the loops, but do not provide much feedback to the caster’s hand until you get around 30 feet of line out of the tip. My casting input with this line combination was more visual, a Rio Technical Trout put a little more in my palm and responded wonderfully to a shorter more focused casting stroke. A Rio Gold gives you a bit more load yet, but felt like it was getting a little too heavy when you reached all the way out with the rod. I would split the difference and stay with the Rio Technical Trout.

    A rod like the R8 Core 590 affords the angler an added degree of control when the line is on the water. The finer things are what this rod excels at, like a long reach cast with a couple purposeful waggles of the blank as the fly lands. It is a rod that encourages you to think past the fly placement and focus on what I consider to be paramount in dry fly fishing, line placement. Your level of control over the line is exceptional and exact. You place line where you intend and you mend line where you hope to with the Classic R8 590. More capable into the wind than some of the other Classic R8 rods, the 590 is the do-everything dry fly tool for the angler who appreciates the finer parts of our sport and prefers to spend their time waiting for the right moment rather than trying to conjure it with blind casts.

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
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