Sage Salt R8 1190-4


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SKU: sag-saltr8-11904 Brand:

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Product Description

Sage Salt R8 1190-4 fly rod

9’0″ 11-weight, 4-piece fly rod with partitioned cloth liner and heavy duty aluminum case


  1. The Sage R8 Salt 1190 is the tarpon rod in the R8 Salt lineup, a fine tool with a no-nonsense demeanor that just wants to fish. There is a big jump from ease of casting from the R8 Salt 1090 to the 1190. The 1190 casts like a big game rod to me and I always get the feeling that I need to actively hold onto such a rod when I’m casting it. My forearms and hand muscles are a little tense so the rod and line don’t get away from me. I cast the Rio Elite Tarpon and Elite Flats Pro, both excellent pairings. The Tarpon taper feels more purposeful and predictable, very quick to the shot but not as lively on the rod as the Elite Flats Pro. Both lines required precise timing for optimum performance and expectations. The rod feels like a tarpon rod and I felt like the angled K guides made it easy to follow your shooting line to stripping position behind them. This is a serious rod for tarpon fisherman and should be a consideration to anyone in the market for a new 11 weight.

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
  2. Like the 990/4, the 1190/4 R8 Salt is not my favorite rod in the R8 Salt family. It is by no means a poor fishing tool but it does not possess the spark that other rods in the lineup do. The rod itself feels heavier than others in the family but certainly not overly heavy. Where the 10wt R8 Salt holds a nice tight loop the 11wt takes a special stroke to tighten up the loop, especially at distance. This rod feels more like some Sage rods of the past that require a quick casting stroke. With a slower stroke it is difficult to get in sync with the rod. It felt more sluggish than other rods in the lineup and took longer to get used to. I played around with the new Rio Premier Tarpon Clear Tip Floater WF11F line on this rod and it felt a little disconnected. The Rio Elite Flats Pro was far more predictable and will pair better for most anglers.

    Parker Thompson (Telluride Angler)
  3. This is a practical, functional 11-weight with all of the fishing capabilities for its destiny: catching tarpon. It likes a relaxed casting rhythm and pairs best with a Rio Flats Pro rather than a Tarpon taper, the heavy head on which destabilizes the rod. It operates best when aerializing just the line head and shooting the rest. It doesn’t pick up a long line with the same authority as the 10-weight and you can’t force this rod to “tip cast” by stopping it hard on the forward stroke. On the flip side, almost every angler will pick up this rod and cast it well on the first try. It has an intuitive rhythm and above average feel for a big game saltwater rod. I like this rod better than its predecessor, the Salt HD 1190-4, but recommend that the angler cast it side-by side with other modern 11-weights to find the best fit for the angler’s casting style. Like the rest of the series, the Salt R8 1190-4 receives high marks for its componentry.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
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