Winston Air 2 8’6″ 3-weight


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SKU: win-air2-863 Brand:

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Product Description

Winston Air 2 fly rod, 8’6″ 3-weight, 4-piece

~ Light gauge snake guides with ECO slick coating
~ New modified half Wells grip from flor grade cork
~ Nickel silver over burled box elder uplocking reel seat
~ Comes with partitioned cloth liner and high quality aluminum rod tube

Availability date:  In stock!     



  1. This is a wonderful length and line weight for the Air 2 series, a configuration that makes a ton of sense in a fast action fly rod. Like some of the others in this series, the 8 ½’ 3-weight needs a little line in the air to fully engage. Up to about 25’, it feels as if the fly rod and line are searching for each other. There are other rods that cast better at short range, but an 8 ½’ rod isn’t supposed to be a specialty “creek rod,” anyway. As the caster advances beyond 25 feet, the loop tightens and accelerates. This is one of those rods that feels “faster” the more line you aerialize. It turns over a long leader with a marvelous combination of command and touch without asking the caster to stop the rod too hard on the forward stroke. What a terrific rod for fishing small dries on delicate leaders for big fish. I would never want another rod on rivers such as Silver Creek, the Frying Pan or the San Juan when a good hatch is in the air. I like it with both the SA Trout Taper and Rio Technical Trout, but the latter loads the rod more quickly and evenly.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
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