NRX+ 1090-4


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Product Description

G.Loomis  NRX+ 1090-4 Saltwater fly rod

9’0″ 10-wt, 4-pc rod with aluminum case and cloth liner



  1. I would describe this rod as powerful and stable with terrific ability to shoot line, but not lightweight and not particularly easy to cast. I threw it with both an SA Grand Slam taper and a Rio Tarpon line and didn’t really care for either. I need to try a Rio Direct Core Tarpon WF10, which might smooth out the ride. This rod feels like it was designed for heavy headed fly lines, however. Both the tip and butt are quite stiff. It flexes into the upper mid section, then tightens up abruptly, commanding the caster to “Shoot the line now. Right now.” Then, it really launches, but without the characteristic stability and loop control offered by the trout rods in this series.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
  2. This is a very powerful 10wt fly rod. It is a pretty smooth casting rod for a 10. I found it to be very accurate at all distances but pretty sluggish in close. It is a big improvement over the original 10wt NRX. I didn’t find it to have the best feel, but it was certainly a good caster. This would make for a great tarpon 10 in my opinion.

    Parker Thompson (Telluride Angler)
  3. The NRX+ 1090 is the most improved saltwater class rod in the lineup. I liked the absolute power that the original NRX 10-weight possessed, but I felt like that rod was meant for the upper 10% of fly casters. The NRX+ 10-weight is a slightly toned down version that makes the NRX+ a much more friendly casting fly rod than its predecessor. This 10-weight is very approachable to the average trout angler without being a “soft rod” in any way. It has a lot of stability built into the blank and makes for an extremely even casting big fly rod. The NRX+ 10 weight is a great choice for permit, light tarpon work and picking up and laying down sinking lines from a boat. If you’re a G.Loomis fan and you want a 10-weight that can do it all without killing your casting arm, check out this rod.

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