Scott G Series 885-4


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SKU: sco-gs-8854

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Product Description

Scott G Series 885-4  fly rod

8’8″ 5-weight, 4-piece rod

The Scott GS 885-4 is a stunning all-purpose medium action fly rod.  At this length, many consider it to be a pure dry fly rod, but it handles nymphs, dry-dropper rigs and small streamers will equal ease.  This is one of the finest all-purpose trout rods ever designed.


  1. This is another rod that we loved from the first prototype. Upon casting it with an SA Trout Taper, one of us commented, “this is the finest trout rod I have cast in my life.” It surpasses the G2 885-4 most significantly in stability. There is zero bounce in this rod, unless you’re using a really short-headed line. Slightly heavier lines, like the Rio Gold and SA MPX, load the rod deeper and yet smoothly, thanks to the aforementioned taper improvements. Our favorite line pairings are the Rio Technical Trout and SA Trout Taper, however.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
  2. I liked the GS 885 over the 905. The GS 885 is lighter in the hand and through the casting stroke. This rod formed loops instantly with no line and flexed progressively and proportionately to the amount of line out of the rod tip. Wait a little bit on the backcast and let the stability in the blank sooth your senses as you dump out a supremely smooth and level loop at all distances. This is probably the best all around trout rod in the G Series lineup. Small dries and long leaders, shorter heavier leaders with a dry dropper, and dare I say even an indicator rig, will all be smooth and sweet on the 885. This is also an exceptional rod for a guide to put in a client’s hand. It is rod that makes casting, mending and overall fly fishing make sense. Guides, think about clients with flies in the zone more often with less tangles, more fish in the net, and lighter pockets at the end of the day. You should probably get one. SA Trout tapers were my favorite, but the Rio Gold was great too.

    Richard Post (The Telluride Angler)
  3. I was able to fish both the G Series 885 and 884 on the water the other day. Both are really enjoyable rods to fish but for slightly different applications. I’d certainly put the 885 in that “do everything” category that people often want from their 5 wt. This is a true medium action rod with a super smooth flex profile. The action makes it ideal for throwing smaller dry flies at a range of distances, yet it also has the backbone to handle bigger dries and hopper/dropper rigs. Of course I had to give it the full test and put on both a nymph rig and a small streamer at different times. I thought it performed quite well in both cases, though I found myself wanting to tie the dry/dropper rig back on. Line control and precision casting are what put this rod a cut above the competition. I fished this with the SA Amplitude Smooth Trout WF5F.

    Jason Moshonas (Telluride Angler)
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