Scott Swing 1286-4


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SKU: Sco-swing-12864 Brand:

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Product Description

Scott Swing 1286-4 fly rod

12’8″ 6-weight, 4-piece, double handed fly rod
Comes with aluminum case and partitioned cloth liner

Recommendation from Rod Designer Jim Bartschi:  As sweet as candy and as smooth as butter. Super versatile and fun to fish, our pick when wanting to fish on the lighter side or targeting smaller to mid-sized fish.

Scott Swing Line Recommendations
Single Handed Rods
Line WtGrainsGrainsGramsGrams
Double Handed Rods
Line WtGrainsGrainsGramsGrams


  1. The 1286 is a light two-hander in the traditional style, versatile with Scandi or Skagit heads, light in the hand and very stable and easy through the cast. I could throw the 360 grain Scandi head an awfully long way. That extra foot over the 1186 gave me sense of a longer wall to hold up my D Loop and I could really drive the tip of the rod with my bottom hand. The 360 grain Rio Scandi was just right. Unbeknownst to us, we actually cast a 500 grain Skagit Max Power that was in a 425 grain box (check those line IDs). Long story short, the 1286 handled this line and I never felt like the line overpowered the rod, but I did notice that the rod and line weren’t just right. The 400 grain Skagit Max Power was very good and I felt like the 425 grain was going to be the perfect line. A killer rod with a Scandi line for summer runs and a rod that would travel up the Miracle Mile on the North Platte with a Skagit set up for large trout. Don’t fish a 500 grain Skagit on here, it will work, but isn’t optimum. Fish a 425 grain Skagit and have all the fun on the lighter side of the full on Spey world.

    Richard Post (Telluride Angler)
  2. Most anglers would fish a Scandi head on a 12 ½’ 6-weight to sweep the upper water column on a summer steelhead river. This rod throws a 31’ 360 grain Scandi magnificently, but also has enough mass in the bottom end to handle a Skagit head in the 400-500 grain window. We recommend it with a 400 or 425, but tried it with a 500 gr head and found it to have plenty of reserve. This is another well-designed fly rod in the Swing series.

    John Duncan (Telluride Angler)
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